John F. Orsini
(330) 744-4401 ext. 116
As a partner in BSHM, John is a firm leader in institutional projects with specialization in PK-12 education facilities. He began practicing architecture in 1991, joining BSHM in 2008.
With an undergraduate degree in fine and professional arts, John brings an aesthetic eye to arts facilities, libraries, and educational buildings. He carries his unique vision throughout projects from programming and schematic design through contract administration. He understands and balances the relationships between the functional and visual quality of space, the realities of project budgets, and the importance of carefully guiding design throughout the construction process.
John is dedicated to PK-12 school design and construction and has gained experience in all aspects of Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) projects. John believes that PK-12 schools are the heart of a community, and he loves seeing children, parents, and faculty experience their new learning environment.
Kent State University
B.S. in Fine & Professional Art
B.S. in Architecture
Master of Architecture
Architect: OH, PA
Professional Affiliates
American Institute of Architects
AIA Ohio – Past President
AIA Youngstown – Board of Directors
Kent State University – Adjunct Lecturer
Rotary Club of Canfield
Streetscape Committee Member
SMARTS Circle Member
Professional Awards/Honors
2022 AIA Ohio Presidential Citation